10 Mar

What Your Brain is Doing While You Sleep


The brain is able to perform many complicated functions while you are awake. Most of these functions are only possible because of sleep; but while you sleep, the brain is performing more activities than you can imagine. So while you rest and dream about unicorns and far away lands, remember that your brain is still […]

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5 Mar

Negative Effects of Chemical Sleep Aids

Blog 2

When having trouble falling and staying asleep, many people turn to doctors and medications for help. These medications, some labeled as natural, are not only unhealthy, but can lead to many problems. Such medications as Lunesta, Ambien and melatonin can have very harmful side effects. According to Mayo Clinic, these are “not a magic cure” […]

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4 Mar

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

Blog 1 (1)

According to multiple studies, including ones conducted by the National Institutes of Health, adults average less than seven hours of sleep a night. This average shows that adults are getting about an hour or more less sleep than they need to function properly during the daytime. Adults between the ages of twenty-six and sixty-four need […]

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